BEES ARE DYING, AS-IN GOING EXTINCT— in just one year (spring 2017-2018) we lost 40% of our bee hives due to colony collapse, and with 4,000-plus species of wild bees heading the way of the dodo (and the African elephant 🙁 ) we have to do something to save them and, in turn, ourselves.
BUSES & BEEHIVES is our best effort to help curb this mass extinction of our most important pollinators. We have apiaries at any Waypoint where it is feasible to have a large population of bees and NO PESTICIDES near them. We educate nomads and members of the community through educational classes, tours, and resources both online and on-site.
Wanderlust Waypoints is committed to helping improve the bee population and any location that can support it has an apiary. We evaluate each one of our locations to ensure that our flying friends have adequate CLEAN land to forage from. This can sometimes be a challenge and is the reason why there is not one at every one of our locations. Our apiaries themselves are built on-site from native wood species whenever possible. We situate our colonies in 4 or 8 hive colonies. This allows us to monitor and take samples from our hive to help scientists continue to evaluate the problems facing bees of all varieties as well as monitor our bees’ health and happy dances!
With a focus on education, our conservation efforts provide a way for nomads and the local community to get involved and learn something new while providing a home for some smaller nomads!
In the coming months we will begin offering some programs to both support our efforts in this program as well as offer opportunities for nomads to enjoy learning about these amazing little nomads. Some of the ideas we have are listed below and we will announce more as things progress.